Use Climate Alarmism to Positive Effect

Although many believe the Climate Change narrative, it is clearly a narrative. However, in all fairness, it's advocates are not completely off base. They are advocating for movement away from a finite and unsustainable energy base and even though they are claiming a false urgency, they are still correct in their advocacy.The problem anti-alarmist have is that their justification is not honest and therefore invalid. However, I contend that anti-alarmist remember the adage, never let an emergency go to waste. The climate alarmism argument is the perfect opportunity for rational people to steer future energy policy towards nuclear energy and away from solar and wind.On a positive note, both sides know that moving away from fossil fuels is simply a necessity. We just don't agree on which direction to go. If we go to solar and wind, costs will be ridiculous and performance horrible. If we pursue an ideal nuclear plant, costs will be as low as possible and reliability as high as possible. Even better, the environmental impact will be so much less than for solar and wind electricity. Simply resisting the wind and solar lobby is so much less superior than fighting for electricity that is far superior to even fossil fuel electricity.In stating the concept of pursuing an ideal nuclear plant, it needs to be emphasized that current conventional nuclear plants are a case study in criminal malfeasance by the deep state. In no way should another conventional nuclear plant ever be built. All conventional plants are 1% fuel efficient and pose an existential threat to society. Every single conventional nuclear plant is a huge, radioactive, Achille's heel of the nation. If these are ever bombed by an enemy, they will cause contamination and fatality on a mythical scale.In advocating for future nuclear energy, we need to advocate of 'Ideal' nuclear reactors that consist of little more than a tank of lead salted with fissionable metal powder. This design has absolutely no failure modes and no chance of a catastrophic release of radioactive material. If it is ever bombed, the lead would simple congeal and encapsulate the radioactive material. Just as importantly, these plants can be built for 5 times less and produce power for 10 times less.The anti-climate alarmists need to salute the alarmists for their desire to move away from fossil fuels while countering that the solution is an ideal nuclear plant as opposed to solar and wind. Then they will have a forum to prove that ideal nuclear is both 10 times cheaper and 10 times less environmentally impactive. In the end, the alarmist will get zero CO2 and the anti-alarmists will get energy that is not only not more expensive than fossil electricity, but several times less expensive. In that a billion people can't even afford electricity, how nice would it be to usher in electricity that really is nearly too cheap to meter.


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