White Board Screenplay

1st white board:  Voice and text (V/T)

Heading: This proposal seeks to
  1. create the greatest infrastructure in history (Drawn on white board  (DOWB) showing person building a pyramid) 
  2. for the lowest possible cost ( (IMAGE: a person with his pocket pulled out) 
  3. to earn the greatest possible profit (IMAGE: a wheelbarrow of gold, acquire global acclaim (draw person holding a statue and wearing a medal), and 
  4. build the greatest engineering enterprise on the planet (person in hard hat with crane behind them.
P.S. I want the line drawings of the pyramid builder etc. to be a graphic bullet and to progress (appear on the white board) simultaneously as the statements are spelled out to the right of the image. I want the white board to be a self launching video file as opposed to a PDF that must be read page by page.


2nd white board:

(put this IMAGE: top left http://wboc.images.worldnow.com/images/11102271_G.jpg)

(V/T in top right:)

Heading: The 1-mile long Chesapeake Bay tunnel
  • was contracted for $755M(IMAGE:tall stack of bills) 
  • over 5 years(IMAGE:old man with a cane wearing a watch is a spring coming out).

(V/T in bottom left:)

Heading:  This proposal would produce
  • a far superior product(IMAGE:a mercedes symbol on car with a sheen) 
  • in a matter of months(IMAGE:guy with a stopwatch) 
  • for as little as 2 cents on the dollar. (IMAGE:two pennies laying on a dollar)


3rd white board:(Voice and text)

Heading: The Channel Tunnel cost $21B (IMAGE:guy shoveling money out of a tunnel)

but it could have been done better for 100 times less.  (IMAGE:show the numbers 21 followed by 9 zeros and a decimal point with an arrow indicating the decimal being moved two places to the left)

(This would be voice only) "The important point here is that if important and necessary infrastructure projects that are currently being constructed can be built for 95%-99% lower costs, there is both demand(crowd with placards "we want infrastructure") and huge profit potentials (dump truck of money) available for low-cost alternative construction methodologies. (guy with a thought lightbulb)


4th White board  (use different colors for each for separate components on barge described below)
[1st image drawn in progression:] Voice and Text

  • Imagine a small and a large dome-topped grain silos. (Drawn on White Board: DOWB) 
  • Now imagine the smaller silo inside the larger silo, (DOWB) turned upside down (flip whiteboard?) and suspended from a barge in the ocean. (DOWB) 
  •  Now imagine attaching multiple steel cables to the larger silo dome and extending them up at equal spacing around the circumference of the silos as if they were wicks and the goal was to make a thick-walled tube candle. These cables would be supported by a derrick and have strain applied to them to produce a pre-stressed concrete tube. The amount of strain in the cables would be controlled by controlling the buoyancy of the concrete tube (DOWB) 
  • A concrete batch plant (Then draw a concrete batch plant (DOWB)  continuously pours concrete Then depict the pouring of concrete between the walls of the two silos. As concrete is poured, the bottom dome of the larger silo separates from the larger silo walls allowing the hardening concrete to extend downward into the ocean. Then depict the larger dome separating from the larger silo walls to allow the fabricated concrete tube to extended down into the ocean, (DOWB) 
  • Although concrete is fairly rigid, it is flexible enough to curve over a distance of less than a thousand meters so that it can be laid out on the ocean floor.  then depict the tube curving to lay flat on the ocean floor (DOWB). The extension of the tube as it comes out of the bottom of the barge can be drawn on a separate piece of clear plastic sheet.

[2nd image drawn in progression.

V/T: If the goal is an underwater tunnel, the tube can be detached from the barge and floated into place  or it can be extruded to the shore line and left in place

The tube drawn on the clear plastic sheet (curved from the bottom of barge to the sea floor) can be separated from the barge to depict the process. Then dragged to a drawing of two shorelines separated by a bay and sunk into place.
The following voice and text applies to both the 3rd and 4th images:
V/T: If the goal is an elevated rail, the extrusion can be continued to extend onto land passing between support columns with rolling supports.

[3rd image drawn in progression]
I want a continuing sequence of the same white board image of image 1 above where the tube just keeps extending onto the land, like Pinochio's nose growing as he tells more lies.

[4th image drawn in progression]
Now an image is drawn like a person is standing on the beach looking towards the land. From their left is a concrete, two-square tube extending from the water off into the horizon. Then a train car is set on a top rail and a hanging trolley drawn under a bottom rail.

The next to last page will be a bulleted list of 4 claim. I would like each bullet to be an image.

 The first bullet will be the image of a small earth with maybe 2 highlighted dashed lines connecting principal port cities like London to Paris, Washington DC to New York City. And lines extending cross-continent.  It would be followed by the text "World Changing"
while a voice over says" Underwater tunnels and elevated rails are becoming needed more and more and are the symbols of more advanced societies. Cars, highways and bridges can be much more affordably replaced by tunnels and elevated rails. And because of the inherent problems of massive population centers, future societies will probably reorganize themselves more and more around cross country rail lines just as ancient cultures arose around life supporting rivers; just as we see in many cities today where the population lives along rail lines extending out from the city center. The opportunity for inexpensive rail and tunnel construction is almost unlimited.

The second bullet is the equation 0.1 price divided by 0.01 cost equals 10X-Profit and 100X-demand followed by the text "With great innovation comes great wealth, both for the business and the customer"
While a voice states "Innovation is needed and benefits everyone. If a builder builds for 100 times cheaper and charges 10 times less, he makes 10 times more profit from 100 times more customers while the customer gets 10 times more for his money. Not only will profits be astronomical, but it will only be exceeded by public gratitude.

 The next bullet in the shape of a bullet is followed by the text "The speed of Concrete"
Voice: "it is conceivable that a concrete profile could be fabricated at a speed of more than 10 cm per minute or one kilometer a week, or even double that.

A next bullet will be a five-star general with the text, "Absolute superior product"
Voice: A seamless single pour pre-stressed concrete tube that is almost certainly impervious to earthquakes is 5-star construction. It would be a factory quality precision product. But even more impressively, it could be extremely utilitarian. Because the steel cables used for pre-tensioning the extrusion are continuous and unbroken, they can be used to transmit electricity. Because concrete is chemically non-reactive, water and gas lines can be included in the profile. Imagine hundreds of miles of utility transmission capabilities literally for free. Simply a bonus of the construction methodology. The savings from the installation for a gas pipeline alone would be around $1 million per kilometer. The combined costs including water and electricity would more than offset the cost of the entire concrete extrusion all by themselves. And the coup de gras is the lack of any maintenance costs. Unlike most infrastructure, concrete essentially requires no maintenance. It could conceivably be the Roman aquaducts of our time.

The last page will be a will have the heading "In Perspective". As the previously described image of a tunnel being pulled onto land is displayed, a voice saying as text of blue words are written as bullets "for as little as a $10 million investment and two weeks production, an elevated rail can be demonstrated at a production rate of a kilometer a week. Within 2 years, a 100 Km elevated rail could be completed. This speed and quality of production will attract international admiration and investment. Perhaps within a year, dozens of contracts around the world are possible. In fact, following the completion of the Chunnel, a study was commissioned to examine the possibility of a second channel tunnel. It was rejected because of and only because the cost of the first channel tunnel was $21B in 1993 dollars. Today's cost might be bid at $40B using current construction approaches. In contrast, it might be extruded at $1B and bid at $15B. If the saying ever had meaning, the world is this proposal's oyster. (draw an oyster with a huge pearl at the bottom of page)


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