The Public Deserves to Know

The public deserves to know of the phenomenal risk to which they have been put. Conventional nuclear reactors are perhaps the most poorly engineered and most dangerous things ever constructed. Something as simple as a tidal wave defeated billions of dollars worth of engineered safeguards built into the Fukishima reactors. However, the greatest fallacy of these reactors is that if they are bombed, they will release 1000 times more contamination than the Fukishima reactors. America has 99 of these Achille's heels. We worry about Iran getting a nuclear weapon. But what is much more worrisome is that a bombed reactor would produce 1000 times more fallout than any bomb. Which means that not only do we have to worry about Iran getting the bomb, we have to worry about Iran getting one or several cruise missiles.
If only the public knew the numbers. A bomb has 7 kg of Plutonium and may or may not have 100 Kg of Uranium. If it's sophisticated, it could have nominal amounts of Tritium or Berylium or Lithium. The point being, the amount of possible radioactive fallout is in the one, two, or three digit Kilogram quantities. A reactor has 100,000 Kg of greatly activated material. That is 1000 times more material and if a bomb is exploded over the vessel, nearly all of it would be blown straight up. These reactors really do have a potential to be used as the ultimate weapons of mass contamination. The fact that they were ever built is a testament to deep state malfeasance.
This article is written just to point this out and to offer an amazingly awesome solution. All current reactors can be made completely safe simply by pulling the fuel out at the next refueling outage and filling the vessel with a mixture of lead and uranium powder. This would upgrade these conventional reactors to 20 times greater power with absolutely no failure mode and absolutely no possibility of a catastrophic release of radioactive material, for less than the cost of the refueling outage itself. Even if a Lead-Uranium reactor were bombed, the lead would simply congeal and encapsulate the radioactive material.
An important observation is that such a reactor design can be computer modeled and confirmed in a matter of weeks because it is nearly as simple as the sun. If this solution were pursued, not only would we, the public, not have to worry about Iran getting a cruise missile, future electricity would be nearly 10 times cheaper. In that high electricity costs are most burdensome to the poorest in society, such a choice would have the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people who are most in need.


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