
Showing posts from July, 2018

Was Nuclear Energy Sabotaged?

The deep state is actively peddling the climate change narrative. But to say they are peddling is to 'misrepresent' the facts. The fact is they are enforcing the climate change narrative. As such, it is appropriate to ask why. The end result of the climate narrative is greatly increased electricity costs, AKA Germany. With this said, I direct the readers attention to the topic of nuclear energy. A conventional nuclear reactor (CNR) can only utilize 1% of the uranium mined to fuel it. Think about that for a second; 1%!!! This begs the question, was nuclear energy sabotaged, perhaps to protect the market value of fossil fuel resources? Who in their right mind would even consider building something so ridiculous, much less build an entire industry around it? It can be shown in simple terms that CNRs are one of, if not, the most dangerous and most expensive reactor design ever conceived and are the only reason the cost of nuclear generated electricity is not 10 times cheaper. C...